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Chris Tang
- Hong Kong Office
- - Capital Market
- - Corporate and M&A
- - Bankruptcy, Reorganization and Liquidation
Danchi Wang
- Hong Kong Office
- - Corporate and M&A
DE, Lihua (Theresa)
- Hong Kong Office
- - Corporate and M&A
- - Capital Market
- - Competition
Dennis Hu
- Hong Kong Office
- - Corporate and M&A
- - Banking and Finance
- - Foreign Direct Investment
HE, Jiaming (Catherine Ho)
- Hong Kong Office
- - Corporate and M&A
- - Capital Market
Lee, Alex Jao Jang
- Hong Kong Office
- - Banking and Finance
Philip Kwok
- Hong Kong Office
- - Dispute Resolution
- - Government Enforcement & Investigations
- - Telecom and Internet
Phyllis Xu
- Shanghai Office
- Hong Kong Office
- - Acquisition Finance
- - Capital Market
- - Private Equity/Venture Capital
Qi (Olivia) Lin
- Hong Kong Office
- - Capital Market
QIAO, Zheyuan (Jacqueline)
- Hong Kong Office
- - Banking and Finance
- - Capital Market
- - Outbound Investment