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2022.01.07 闫振峰

1.  相关背景





2. 基于国际公约的救济






3. 基于国内法的救济



再以2019年9月2日星链44号卫星抵近欧洲宇航局Aeolus卫星事件来说,由于只是对卫星本身构成碰撞危险,本质上可以理解为侵犯了后者在先轨道权利,或者损害了后者对卫星这一特殊动产的占有权,理论上可以提起类似“Trespass to Land”或“Trespass to Chattel”侵权诉讼,暂且翻译为“侵犯土地”和“侵犯动产”。“侵犯土地”的本质是侵犯权利人对特定地表区域的实际占有16,“侵犯动产”的本质是侵犯权利人对动产进行实际控制的权利17。“侵犯土地”要件之一是侵权人实际进入土地、“侵犯动产”要件之一是侵权人实际接触动产,在仅有卫星碰撞可能的情形下,可能无法满足这一要件;另外需要证明发生实际损害,如果在先占有轨道的空间物体采取避碰措施发生了成本,实际发生损害这一要件应该可以满足。除此之外,还可以考虑提起“Nuisance”的侵权诉讼,暂且翻译为“妨害使用土地”,指的侵权人的行为影响权利人使用或享用土地,侵权行为既可能是故意且不合理的行为,也可能是非故意但是属于过失行为、鲁莽行为或异常危险行为18,不以侵权人物理上进入土地为前提。传统的侵权理论都是基于人类在地球表面的物理活动发展出来的,用来解决太空卫星侵权实际上存在很多困难,仅能参考其中的原理。

当然,侵权法律也是随着科技进步在不断发展,比如近些年针对垃圾邮件发生了相当数量的“侵犯动产”侵权诉讼,未来是否会产生“侵犯空间轨道”(即“trespass to space orbit”)、“妨害空间轨道”(即an invasion of another's interest in the private use and enjoyment of space orbit)的侵权也不好说。另外,与国内诉讼程序不同的是,在美国针对一个侵权行为可以基于多个案由(即cause of action)提起诉讼,不用考虑竞合的问题,只要在某一个案由能够胜诉,就可以获得救济。

4.  结语




1. https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/osoindex/search-ng.jspx?

2. https://www.esa.int/Safety_Security/ESA_spacecraft_dodges_large_constellation

3. https://futurism.com/spacex-starlink-satellite-collision, “although the ESA’s satellite had been occupying the region for nine months longer than the Starlink satellite”

4. http://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2021/aac_105/aac_1051262_0_html/AAC105_1262C.pdf

5. http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/gares/ARES_21_2222E.pdf,“A launching State shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage caused by its space object on the surface of the earth or to aircraft in flight”

6. “In the event of damage being caused elsewhere than on the surface of the earth to a space object of one launching State or to persons or property on board such a space object by a space object of another launching State, the latter shall be liable only if the damage is due to its fault or the fault of persons for whom it is responsible.”

7. http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/gares/ARES_21_2222E.pdf , “States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty. The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Treaty. When activities are carried on in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, by an international organization, responsibility for compliance with this Treaty shall be borne both by the international organization and by the States Parties to the Treaty participating in such organization.”

8. “A claim for compensation for damage shall be presented to a launching State through diplomatic channels……”

9. “If no settlement of a claim is arrived at through diplomatic negotiations as provided for in Article IX, within one year from the date on which the claimant State notifies the launching State that it has submitted the documentation of its claim, the parties concerned shall establish a Claims Commission at the request of either party.”

10. “The Claims Commission shall be composed of three members: one appointed by the claimant State, one appointed by the launching State and the third member, the Chairman, to be chosen by both parties jointly. Each party shall make its appointment within two months of the request for the establishment of the Claims Commission.

If no agreement is reached on the choice of the Chairman within four months of the request for the establishment of the Commission, either party may request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to appoint the Chairman within a further period of two months.”

11. https://www.un.org/zh/documents/treaty/files/A-RES-3235(XXIX).shtml,前言部分“相信一种强制性的登记射入外层空间物体的制度,将特别可以帮助辨认此等物体,并有助于管理探索和利用外层空间的国际法的施行和发展”

12. https://orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov/library/iadc-space-debris-guidelines-revision-2.pdf , “In developing the design and mission profile of a spacecraft or orbital stage, a program or project should estimate and limit the probability of accidental collision with known objects during the spacecraft or orbital stage’s orbital lifetime. If reliable orbital data is available, avoidance manoeuvres for spacecraft and co-ordination of launch windows may be considered if the collision risk is not considered negligible. Spacecraft design should limit the probability of collision with small debris which could cause a loss of control, thus preventing post-mission disposal.”

13. Presentation of a claim to a launching State for compensation for damage under this Convention shall not require the prior exhaustion of any local remedies which may be available to a claimant State or to natural or juridical persons it represents.

Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a State, or natural or juridical persons it might represent, from pursuing a claim in the courts or administrative tribunals or agencies of a launching State. A State shall not, however, be entitled to present a claim under this Convention in respect of the same damage for which a claim is being pursued in the courts or administrative tribunals or agencies of a launching State or under another international agreement which is binding on the States concerned.

14. http://www.cmse.gov.cn/fxrw/sz12/,神州十二号航天员执行任务期间为2021年6月17日至2021年9月17日


15. “An actor is subject to liability to another for assault if

(a)  he acts intending to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the person of the other or a third person, or an imminent apprehension of such a contact, and

(b)  the other is thereby put in such imminent apprehension.”

16. 《侵权法律重述》第157条, In the Restatement of this Subject, a person who is in possession of land includes only one who

(a)  is in occupancy of land with intent to control it, or

(b)  has been but no longer is in occupancy of land with intent to control it, if, after he has ceased his occupancy without abandoning the land, no other person has obtained possession as stated in Clause (a), or

(c)  has the right as against all persons to immediate occupancy of land, if no other person is in possession as stated in Clauses (a) and (b).

17. 《侵权法律重述》第216条, In the Restatement of this Subject, a person who is in "possession of a chattel" is one who has physical control of the chattel with the intent to exercise such control on his own behalf, or on behalf of another.

18. 《侵权法律重述》第822条,One is subject to liability for a private nuisance if, but only if, his conduct is a legal cause of an invasion of another's interest in the private use and enjoyment of land, and the invasion is either

(a)  intentional and unreasonable, or

(b)  unintentional and otherwise actionable under the rules controlling liability for negligent or reckless conduct, or for abnormally dangerous conditions or activities.

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