On August 21, 2022, the Beijing Green Special Fund for Carbon Neutrality was announced at the “Green Technology and Colorful Life” Campaign hosted by the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau. This is an environment programme jointly sponsored by Beijing Green Foundation and JunHe that aims to create a public fundraising platform to leverage the capabilities of both the public and private sectors. Its main aims are to promote carbon neutral initiatives, encourage and mobilize the public to participate in social welfare programs for carbon sequestration, emission reduction and tree planting in an effort to achieve China’s goal of “peak emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060”. JunHe is the joint sponsor of the fund and Mr. HUA, Xiaojun (Warren), JunHe’s managing partner spoke at the ceremony. He raised a clarion call to the legal profession, public organizations and businesses to unite and support environmental campaigns to protect our planet a for all mankind.
As one of the few large law firms in China that can provide full-scale services that cover the entire environmental industry chain and professional fields, JunHe has both the responsibility and the capability to provide support for the green transformation of society. To this end, we took the initiative in setting up an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practice Group to promote and improve the internal management system of green operations, create a low-carbon culture, and encourage and support lawyers to actively participate in public interest legal services. We advocate a moderate, green and low-carbon work and life style for our employees; externally, we advise on the latest international and domestic legislation, assist our clients with green transformation, environmental compliance, green investment and financing, and inspire our clients to rethink and adjust their business models globally under the guidance of ESG concepts. We use our project experience as well as our in-depth observation of relevant industries and markets to assist our clients' green, low-carbon transformation. JunHe was awarded the Best ESG Practice Award by CLECSS in their recent 2022 Best ESG Law Firm Awards.
The Green Beijing Special Fund for Carbon Neutrality is the first carbon neutral special fund established by a law firm in China and JunHe hopes to demonstrate the importance of carbon emission reduction and bring attention to climate change. The establishment of the carbon neutrality special fund will be like a dandelion spreading the seeds of green ideals far and wide across the country.